Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fence watchers

There are some people whose main assignment is to look out for weakness. They carry out this work as part of their routinue. In this assignment, you can't  expect immediate result because our "targets" may go off the hook. One has to develop steel of nerves to face the adverse situations. The associates should develop immense patience so that one can reap benefits in the course of time. My sincere advise is everyone can start this business as a pasaion. Afterall, we botch others oppoetunities by doing so we derove pleasure. Remember, our future lies in other's destruction....what are you waiting for start searching your targets.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Don't rack your brain

For all trivival issues we simply get annoyed. If you watch carefully, it is always difficult to lay a new road but, it is always easy travel on the road which is already laid. After all, we all want lead our life smoothly, which we are entitled. . . .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

BODY;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Have you ever noticed why people wears a "idlis-stuffed-tiffin-box-face"?because they are afraid they will be observed by others. Have you listened to a story of hunter-getting hunted? all these days they have been watching you surreptiously. Now, they know that your alertness. Hence, this evasive action from them. Don't read too much into it. As they themselves will disappear from the scene very shortly. The moment they realise that nothing can be extracted from you. Be it generation enrichment or wealth.
END:VNOTESent from Samsung Mobile

Why this ungodly silence

BODY;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Have you ever noticed why people wears a "idlis-stuffed-tiffin-box-face"?because they are afraid they will be observed by others. Have you listened to a story of hunter-getting hunted? all these days they have been watching you surreptiously. Now, they know that your alertness. Hence, this evasive action from them. Don't read too much into it. As they themselves will disappear from the scene very shortly. The moment they realise that nothing can be extracted from you. Be it generation enrichment or wealth.
END:VNOTESent from Samsung Mobile

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Flare up their feelings

When you have goals you ought to strive hard to reach it by hook or crook. You know your path and you also know your destination. But, you need the services of others. Not everytime you can take out money from your coffers to feed your cronies . You ought tore strategise your entire approach. The best thing would be to play on your emotional cronies. Stroke their emotions and flare up their feelings. Then you see the results yourself. .  .

Friday, February 18, 2011

Dirt is good

Times have changed. People used to inculcate cleaniness. In today' s world,Being clean is a drawback . there was a time fielders on the field wouldn'  t smear their trousers to save a boundary. Mixing up some baseball techniques into cricket, fielders take extra effort to save an extra run.  Not just in cricket, be it any field, unless you smear yourself you will not get what you want. Be prepared !

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Not neccesary!

Everything I like should happen immediately. If this is the mindset then the life will be a hell.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Childhood is cut short

With competition becoming the order of the day. The period of childhood has really been curtailed. Anxious parents are simply putting or dumping an immense pressure on their child. As a result, we witness 4 year toddler telling us " fed up with life" . No doubt thr IQ level of the children has gone up. At the sametime, lifestyle diseases are striking them at their earlier age. Walletbased education cannot inculcate the art of living. The need of the hour is value based education are we(parents) ready for it. . . . .

Back to tradition

Of late, people seem to yearn for " good old days" which means they are not in sync with the present. Have you ever figured out why we turn nostalogic? Because the present we live doen' t provide any fulfilment the mind seems to wande here and there. There are some moments which we really cherished . Simply recalling those moments we are actually balming our " bruised present.

Friday, February 11, 2011

From cradle to crematorium.......

........the time gap between these two stations is called one's life. The life gives us experiences. Actually, it is a roller caster ride. No moment in static. At the end of the period, when you apply stock taking process to your life your end result would be depression. There are no permanent happiness or an eternal unhappiness. During the lifetime, we often get stuck in the rat race -----without any target.(I get into this rat race because that's how I 've been told to do so)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

we all love passive people

To show our superiority we need only those who obey orders diligently. Otherwise, we cannot grow .As we rise higher levels we badly need back-up support. Hence, it is essential to groom up some cronies around us.

These days even cronies are not easily availabile. They demand monetary benefits to '' kowtow '' us. Every time they bow before us there is a fear pops up to say ''

could this moment be our last monent''? To bring them to our fold we used to castigate them every nook and corner. Gone are Those days. These folks are far worse than our folks. Yet! we cannot live them they are very much integral part of our system.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Its all how you handle it.......

There are two sets of people.
Category 1: These people enjoy all benefits ,more than their abilities
, in most of the cases they simply snatch away the benefits which are
due to the competent persons. Yet, they keep a poker face as if the
entire world has turned against them.

Category 2 : These people are deprived of their legitimate rights. In
fact, they are dexterous (probably, that could be the reason for their
deprivation). On the contrary, they keep a tension-free expression
when they interact with others.

Hence, it is not the status which determines your character. There are
certain things programmed in DNA which cannot be changed
irespective of "concession" offered to them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

MNP Launched

The much delayed Mobile Number Portability was launched a fortnight ago. The customer can migrate to a better service provider without changing the mobile number. Sensing this opportunity almost all private operators have started advertising "come to our network" except two Government -run -operators, BSNL and MTNL.

In my opinion , all private sector operators seems to have don the role of proselytizing . Their aim is to provide a quality "service" (read salvation) .The migrating flock should verify the services before being baptized they must satisfy themselves whether the migrated network would provide them a better service. Whereas, State run enterprises have taken the role of oriental religions because they don't believe in "conversion" after all, they know what kind of service they offer to their customers.