This book is written by Angela Cannings . This is about a mom who had lost three children out of four children to "cot deaths". Initially, the deaths were looked normal but, the events had turned worse ater the death of the fourth child. The lone survivor( third child) too, sufered the symptoms of the cot death , however it survived.Immediately, after the death of the fourth child she was seperated from her family. The Court had sentenced her to a life imprisonment. The author explained her odds that she had experienced at the prison. On her appeal, she was released from the prison. But, she couldn't enjoy her re-union with her family thoroughly.
The findings of his case revealed more twists to the alike cases. Innocents mothers were imprisoned for no fault on their parts. Several experts committees were formed to review "such cases". This case had helped in revamping "Meadows law" ---(casting accusations on innocent mothers) As per Meadows Law, one infant death is a tragedy, two is suspicious and three is murder.Sir Roy Meadow, who gave expert observatons in this case, licence was impounded at the out come of Angela's appeal. Howevwer, it was reinstated in 2006.