An orthodox south Indian family sends their only daughter to abroad after many hardships. And she seems to have forgotten her parents back home
The following is an imaginary telephonic conversation between a father (at deadbed) and his daughter:
Ring tone : Tring Tring....
Daughter: (Picks up mobile phone sharing the bed with her boyfriend) Helo Appa! (tone very submissive) what happened ? calling this hour.
Father: Chellam (meaning sweet heart) The doctors have set a deadline for my life Please come immediately (he's crying)
Daughter: Appa! Appa! What you are saying ? Nothing will happen to you Appa! Pray to god ! Nothing bad will happen to you.
Father: No NO my child you should come home immediately (suddenly connection gets disrupted call it as a technical glitch or daughter did it intentionally , Ram Jaane)
Daughter: (After placing the phone) Come on honey! let's see our . work that old man can't understand our times!
At the doorstep a board is placed saying "man at work".................