Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A saga of intented "take over"

An evil eye is set on an "entity" for a hostile take over. This dream has been nursed for years together. Due-diligence have been carried out. Based on the reports submitted by the auditors of the due-diligence, the taking over company have become complacent. Considering the situation of the entity to be taken over that the taking company have come to a conclusion that the company intented to be taken over is almost indefensible and nobody could thwart the hostile "take over".

The taking over company have started victory celebrations before anything is finalized. Their main intention is to uproot the operation of the business and (if need arises) impalant it elsewhere. This shows their level of arrogance .

Consider it as a hypothetical situation, the company intended to be taken over has quietly forged an amicable amalgmation formula with another conglomerate thereby it not only thwarted the hostiletake over bid but also have become a formidable conglomerate to challenge the very existence of the erstwhile bidder.

This shows that none can be taken for granted. Imagine you were a bidder company what must go through your mind and body . Afterall, you can only rue over the state of your affairs.

There is always a slip between the cup and the lip......