Monday, January 5, 2009

How secure we are?

Of the 195 countries of the world ,192 are members of the united nation. Generally, we believe "might is right" dictum. To show off our mighty(ness) accumulation of arms invasion of other countries are regarded as the signs of "powerful" nations. There are four countries which do not have the security forces to defend their people. they are Iceland, Andorra,Monaco and Liechtenstein . All four countries are wealthy nations having a peaceful existence. Look at the sub continent India spends roughly 2.5% of its GDP towards Military expenditure yet citizens of this country feel unsafe. One could argue the geo politico reasons yes I agree.
Secured life should be sought within oneself if it is searched outside one has to feel like Indians in India. The other countries could make a derision on those four countries for not having "secured set up". For which I am again going to say the cliche its all mindset.
The more we talk of security we ultimately land in unsecured zone. Let the nature take its own course. Don't we see the difference between the fall from a 2nd staircase and the fall from the 40th floor?Of course, exceptions are there to testify but exception do not play major part of human life.

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