Saturday, August 29, 2009

Do we need History?

Whenver Mohammed Ali Jinnah name appeared in th BJP circle it creates ripples in the party. Some analysts says history is irrelavant the need of the hour is focussing the future. That doesn't mean you should remove the history from the school curriculum.To my mind, history is not irrelevant in the following grounds:

Mangement students crave for case studies which is nothing but HISTORY.

Before giving treatment to a patient the doctor will insist for case HISTORY to know about the body condition.

For constucting a bridge/house the architects conduct soil test which is nothing but a sort of HISTORY.

In the police book, they maintain a list of HISTORY SHEETER ( a book of habitual offenders)in the locality.

In courts precedents play an important role in formulation of legislation .Precedents are nothing but HISTORY.

To get into a wedlock both bride and groom should know about characters of each other. In other words, they show passion in knowing aboout the past which is othrwise known as HISTORY.

While making policies in the area of social welfare thegovernment bodies rely on statistics datas whichis the other form of HISTORY.