Sunday, September 20, 2009
Energy releas(er)
When the earth feels its tension it releases by way of an earthquake.
When you are on a long travel, your pants or underwear gets stuck between the buttocks (BTW this phenomenon is known as "pants wedgie") your hand will wait for an opportunity to pull out the "clogged-part" from your bums this is one way of energy releasing process.
Your are in a meeting room which is air-conditioned. Your are asked to present or explain over a subject again and again by your boss. By this time, urine gets accumulated in your bladder. What you would think at that time? As soon as the meeting gets over, you will rush to washroom to "release" it.
The boss talks about an incentive plans to his (woman) personal secretary and asks her to stay after the office hours which means he is about to "mount" energy releasing operation on her. Get ready damsel!
You've had a mouthfuls from your superiors for your silly acts. your mental energy is at the lowest ebb. You curse yourself of your state. You will throw tantrums at the persons whom you think would not retaliate you. This is another way of energy releasing operation.
Occasionally, one must release the bad energies stored in our body. Otherwise, the pent-up emotions will have a delirious effects on one's metabolism.