Chennai always known for its conservativeness. In the 70's and early part of early 80's people used to go to sleep as early as 9.00 clock, as there was no entertainment in those years except All India Radio's Vividhabharathi. That too, tamil programmes got over by 9.00 p.m. If anyone stay awake after 9.00 p.m even neighbhors could command the person to go to bed .That was the socio environment. The most affected parties were tenants. The Landlord of those era almost behaved like bullies.They had every 'right" to issue writ over tenants electricity usages.
Slowly and steadily, the scenario changed in the mid-80's. Thanks to cricket. Television started telecasting matches midnight and early hours of the morning. That made kids to stay awake to watch cricket. Even then, the chennaites were deprived of any sort of entertainments. Only recreation was going to "night show". The night show goers got the tagname -----ruffians from the fellow members of the locality.
Then came satellite television in the early 90's which really changed the sleeping pattern almost all urbanites, not just chennaites. The round the clock telecast made these "deprived class " to spend more hours in front of the idiot box. I would even say the chennaites didn't get what they wanted.
The picture started changing by mid-90's with the arrival of various MNC's to this city. Many dicotheques, bars amusement parks were opened. The city also witnessed immigrants from other parts of the country flocking in relation to their jobs and businesses to this city.Gradually, this city earned the name of "somewhat-cosmopolitan" status.
As the night life started flourished in the city, the eating pattern too changed significantly. Earlier, this city was known for a few udipi hotels and arya bhavans.But, now everything has changed rapidly. Many a street side cafetria have sprung up across the city. Oflate, many biryani outlets are the flavour of the masses.
Eating Biryani at 11.00p.m. has become a fashion. (then, why you rue over chennai being called diabetic capital of India).