Saturday, July 31, 2010

substitute comes handy

In this competitive world,it is very difficult to "capture" the market share . Hence, one has to devise a plan B while finalizing plan A . One twist is enough to rupture the whole process . Even though you might've "inked" the deal (party under plan A)what sort of guarantee one could give to this type of agreement.

Either party may 'by-pass' the agreement before the actual execution of the plan.It is always advisable to continue a sort of "negotiation " with other party (whom we refer as plan B). It is not necessary to have a direct communication which could be done by our subordinates.

Ultimately, our priority is simply defined i.e. the entire process is meant for self interest . No matter with whom our 'deal' is completed. As long as we do transaction safely.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Be silent....

Silence is the best weapon. It cannot be seen as a sign of weakness. When things are going six and sevens just remain calm and you just observe the happenings . Everything will become alright. BY remaining silent you actually shows your re-silence that you would not get cowed down .

Another advantage of being silent is that you will not get disturbed by others in fact, others get disturbed by your act of being in the silent mode. They become fidgety.

Every action and reaction has an encrypted message delivered by the almighty. It is up to the receiver's mental toughness to decipher it.

By getting ruffled over a particular situation , you actually fall into the trap of your "adversaries" .Never ever allow such a situation to be imposed on you. Make your adversaries to slug it out .

Monday, July 26, 2010

everything unlimited

Once upon a time , in this country,owning a telephone was seen as a status symbol . But now, the situation has changed upside down. the life without a mobile phone is simply unimaginable .

With the arrival of new telcos, the existing operators are wooing their customers like never before. It's a windfall for customers.

The telcos stocks are bleeding in the bourses because of the cut throat competition in the market. we Indians, always have the habit of satiating our desires by going an '' extra mile" in every aspect.

Many emerging markets across the globe have started adopting " Indian model" in the telecom sector.
What do we expect next?