Saturday, July 12, 2014

your aura says who you are?

As per yogic science, human body is governed body or chakras . Do you remember VIBGYOR? Yes ! All those colours are found in each one of the chakras. Any imbalance of energy in chakra is manifest as disease. Our karmic accumulation also creates imbalance of energy in chakras. All noble soul will have yellow aura around their physical body. Again, body is divided into three parts physical body, subtle body and subtler body. A normal person will have a white aura around his physical body( a metaphysical state). The aura is not visible to your naked eye. A diseased person will have a dark aura. Not only him, all those who've involved in activities which are against the normal norms would have black aura. People, per se, are not bad. The circumstances push some of us to do unwarranted activities. Initially, the black aura will not manifest at all.Because that person may have inherited strong genes from their parents and he/she may be enjoying the benefits of their previous lives. Such persons would remain hale and hearty , till bank balance of good karma is exhausted. Once it is fully withdrawn, that person will come under the bad spell. That's why sages urged the people that if he/she can't do good deeds please desist from doing bad deeds. Now, tell me, are you reaping the benefits of good karma?